To answer the question first let’s dive deep into understanding what comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) is and how it influences our lives. UNESCO defines CSE as a curriculum-based process of teaching and learning about the cognitive, emotional, physical, and social aspects of sexuality. It aims to equip children and young people with knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values that will empower them to realize their health, well-being, and dignity. CSE helps to develop respectful social and sexual relationships and informs how their choices affect their own well-being along with understanding and ensuring the protection of their rights throughout their lives.
CSE is not a new topic. Depending upon the country or region it also goes by the name of life skills. However, CSE is yet to become a household name because it has not yet got the attention that it deserves from both parents and the government’s side. There has been some work done by some non-profit organizations in the field of CSE in Nepal and being a part of a similar organization and working as a peer educator I have realized the importance of incorporating the CSE into the curriculum. Working as a peer educator of a bunch of adolescent boys and girls I have addressed questions like why people have sex, why rape happens to girls only, and questions related to body insecurity and many more. All these questions have made me realize that adolescents are the most curious people and they are continuously learning and evolving, if these questions are not addressed by the informed people they might seek alternatives like looking for answers from the internet and friends and information they get might not always be true that could result in many problems. While facilitating the session about gender norms the girls shared all the gender stereotypes they have faced. They talked about the tie they were called names and were bullied. Students opened up about themselves on a different level which shows that under a proper environment of learning about these things, students open up and try to learn things in the right way. CSE talks about various things ranging from good touch and bad touch to sexual pleasure so it capacitates the individual about from emotional well-being to good sexual behavior so it is extremely important to include CSE in the school curriculum. While talking about the importance of CSE in the school curriculum we should not forget the adolescents out of school. They should be given equal emphasis However, the current opportunities and programs conducted by the government or development sector have overlooked the importance of CSE for out-of-school children, with very limited understanding of the situation, need, and approaches to addressing it. There is a need to provide CSE for out-of-school children with equal priority, if the nation wants to improve on some key indicators such as the unmet need for family planning, reducing early marriages, reducing adolescent birth rates, maternal and infant mortality rates, as these have often been linked with uneducated band of population.
Understanding the multidimensional benefit of CSE on young people made me come to the conclusion that CSE can’t wait and helped me realize the significance of CSE.