Why YALC? 

- Dikshya Koirala

This exact question was posed to me during my YALC application interview. If you do not know what YALC is, then this may not be the ideal source for your answers. Here, I will paint you a picture, not that says What but will explain Why. It is ironic that only after eight odd months, I am finally able to provide an answer to this question. That being said, I would like to sincerely apologize to my interviewers for my less-than-convincing answer at that time. Now let’s get to the point, shall we? 

For the Smiles 

Dopamine, the infamous “happy hormone” which determines the choices we make throughout our lives. The happiness in our lives does not originate solely from our decisions but is also influenced by seeing others smile. I would argue with anyone that the smile you get from the school students while you become their favorite peer educator, rescuing them from boring classes every other week to answer their curiosities about themselves, is priceless.  

For your Childhood 

As a curious adolescent, I am sure every one of us disliked that one teacher who refused to teach the subjects of Reproduction or Puberty, fueling to the myth that it is a taboo to talk about sex openly. Now every time I talk about CSE or share my experiences with young people, assuring them that they are not alone, makes me go back to my time and think how much it would have helped me and my friends to find someone with whom they could relate.   

For the Connections 

Everyone is scared at first while joining a new group for a cause. And if you are prone to anxiety and have “Imposter Syndromes” like me, a few breakdowns are inevitable at first. But as the journey goes on, those connections that you foster through this platform go on to become your support system. It will happen, slowly but surely. I met a few of my best friends here and I am glad to say that the bond is still going strong. And I can assure you that the wonderful supervisors at YUWA will make sure everyone feels connected and loved. 

For the Opportunities 

When you join YALC, it’s just not limited to that. Endless opportunities come along your way. Opportunities that will not just boost your CV but contribute to your personal growth as well. I might sound too enthusiastic to convince you to join YALC, as if I were paid to write this, but I can assure you that is not the case. Feel free to reach out to anyone at YUWA and they will tell you how it works. 

For the Plot 

At the outset, I had my fair share of challenges. I lacked confidence, was plagued by a fear of public speaking, and had limited knowledge about CSE. Even if some of that might still exist, I can say that I have grown and learned a lot as an individual since the beginning and I am proud of myself. So, if you’re still reluctant as I was in the beginning, I suggest you do it for the plot. Yes, it’s scary but that’s the beauty of life and we create our own stories. Good luck!