To volunteer means simply, to be motivated and give one’s time or energies to work towards a project or cause that you are interested in. Volunteering gives individuals the chance to explore avenues that would not usually be open to them. This experience enables an exchange of cultural and social contact between volunteers and their host nationals. Habitat for Humanity is an example of a nonprofit organization that relies on volunteer work and donations to build homes for struggling families around the world. Volunteers are essential for many organizations to be able to keep functioning.

The word volunteering among youth is being very famed nowadays. Youth enrollment in volunteering can be taken as a very excellent example for leading the nation to be developed in the future. As youths are the future of tomorrow, engagement of youths as a volunteer has very greater aspects in their existence and also in their further prospect.

Doing volunteer work for a cause that youths care about allows youths to help further that cause. It enables youths to learn new skills and languages, to develop and gain practical experience in the field in, sometimes demanding conditions, and to develop leadership and teamwork skills. In addition, personal development which is difficult to evaluate, is one of the greatest benefits to working and travelling amongst people from different cultures. Youth takes volunteering as fun as they get to utilize their time in something valuable and worthier.

The number of youth engaged in service is increasing at a rapid rate.  Volunteering among older teenagers, ages 16 to 19, (28.4%), has more than doubled since 1989 at 13.4% and is 36% higher than in 1974 when the rate was 20.9% (Volunteer Growth in America).  With the increase in service among teens, with whom are youth performing their service?  According to the Youth Helping America Study (2006), 64% of teenagers Volunteer primarily through religious, school or youth organizations.

Youth get to gain an enhanced experience through volunteering. Youth ideas are involved in different field. By, getting into volunteering youth can be the conscientious citizens and having brilliant future. Youth can utilize their leisure time in something worthier and beneficiary. Volunteering can be taken as enjoyable period for youths as working with their collegues. They generate different ideas and concepts for working in a group and team spirit development can be gained through which they generally learn how to work as a team. They usually work under different organization at the time of volunteering which leads them to conduct their profession from their early age and which enhanced their future. They also usually gain different motive for utilizing their time in fresh projects and innovative fields.

According to the recent expedition among youths regarding volunteering among youths they have provided different definition in different logical views.

Rajat Khadka a student (20) Bishalnagar-Kathmandu , simply defines Volunteering as using youth center of attention to something proficient and significant kind of activities in which youths are engrossed for their experience and agility.

Sujata Khanal – (19), Satungal-Palpa , defines Volunteering is not getting anything but helping others and using some valuable time in some important activities in any kind of organization..

Chandan Sharma – (20)- 1BM-BBA, he defines volunteering as judgment of ourselves by working in different field as a volunteer which leads to betterment for other without any profit. He says: I have done lots of service for others in school as scouts. It is a real fun for using my leisure time in an appropriate thing.

Sushma Gopal- (19), Thankot – IBM-BBA, she thinks that Volunteering is something which is done to obtain any kind of aim among youths and it is work for other without any payment. She says: I have involved in different trainings in CWIN  as a volunteer and it was great experience for me. It brings excitement, concentration and it also helps in my studies.

Prabin Bhandari (19), Butwal, ACE- BBA 1st semester, he says: I have done lots of volunteering service from my school level and it helps me to gain experience and it can be taken as an ability development. He defines volunteering as a work without any force and without any payment.

Every individual has concept of bearing in mind the similar obsession in a diverse approach, as youth fluctuate with the perception of defining volunteering. Youth are active and they don’t go for a monotonous thing. Therefore, youth endeavor to learn innovative concepts of dealing with the people and technique of being professional in their future terms. Youth deliver best eminence for working as a volunteer and get the opportunity to come up with their aptitudes in the diverse fields. Volunteering also leads youth to not get involved in the dire habits such as taking drugs or smoking or any kind of drug supplies due to which their families also supports them to join volunteering service to get rid of such habits. Therefore, Volunteering in any kind of organization is getting familiar among youths which very appropriate to rise up the upcoming of the country like Nepal.