I was in an exam hall feeling uncomfortable and uneasy pain that I had never experienced before. Soon after finishing the paper, I rushed towards the toilet. There I was, shocked, stressed, scared and confused because I saw the stain of blood in my underwear. I knew all girls have their periods after reaching a certain age. But I was completely unaware of what exactly menstruation meant, what happens during the menstruation, how it felt, nothing.  

Confused little me assumed that it was just a wound and I would be fine. Though, deep down in my mind, I felt that sharing meant going to the hospital. So, I didn't dare to share what happened to anyone at my home as I didn't want to leave my exams. But on the 3rd day, I was bleeding more and I was in need of a pad.  Only then, I share it with my elder sister. She taught me how to use the pads and disposal.  

I feel lucky because on that very day she made me realize whatever was happening wasn't wrong. Menstruation is a normal process that makes a girl capable of creating a new life. She said it's the most beautiful gift we get as a woman. So, no matter what people say about menstruation always remember that it's not a burden but a benefaction.  

I was not able to share, about my bleeding not just because of my exams but because nobody ever talked about the private organs openly because they are private. After sharing I felt light, calm happy and lucky but not everyone is as lucky as I was. I still regret not sharing for 2days and suffering alone. And, on that day I also learned that parenting has the power to alter the experience of a child in any event. At last, on the 3rd of my first menstruation I felt proud for being a girl who bleeds.  

- Puja Bisunke

YALC Kathmandu 2022